Welcome to Amicura Life’s Summer Edition!

Click here to download the Summer 2023 Newsletter.

As the summer season dawns upon Amicura homes, the atmosphere is alive with excitement and vibrant activities. The dedicated team at Amicura is working tirelessly to infuse each day with joy, laughter, and passion for the residents. The season starts with many outdoor activities, delightful garden parties, and engaging themed events, ensuring everyone feels the warmth of summer. Our team’s hard work and unwavering commitment have been recognized with the prestigious “Outstanding Smaller Group Care Provider” award at the Care Home Awards, a testament to their dedication to providing the highest standards of care. Furthermore, Kingfisher Care Home’s recent ‘Good’ rating from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) adds to the celebration of success. The team’s creative endeavors to promote residents’ well-being are showcased, fostering a stronger digital connection with loved ones through social media updates.

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